

After a cold, snowy day here in Dekalb,  I was ready for some serious Nap Action. And so I cuddle up with my pink fuzzy blanket, pretend that my pillow was my dog... and doze off. I was all warm and cozy, until i realized that i was going to have to get up and eat and do things normal people do... So I crawled out from under the blankets, put on two hoodies on the way to the door, and shook to the kitchen. Made some warm dinner, that DIDn't warm me up. Finally, enough was enough. It was hot shower time! Have you ever really took a nice hot shower for no reason. Not to get clean, not to look nice, not to wake you up.... but just to take one. Well I did that today. I got into the shower a grumpy cold girl. I let the water run a little bit warmer than usual... and I just kind of stood. I stepped out a happy warm girl. A shower transformed my whole day. Any achy bones, cold feet, bad feelings just melted away with this shower. I take these showers for granted everyday. Think about people who don't have showers, or can't shower often. Of course It's terrible because they can't clean themselves. but on a psychological level.... they don't have the opportunity to just melt a bad day away with a ten minute shower. The power of the shower is stress relieving. 
Go visit a friend with kids. tell them you will watch them without pay while he or she goes and takes a nice warm LONG shower!! It will make their whole day better!! 

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